Printronix ThermaLine Series Printer User Manual

IGP/PGL is the Intelligent Graphics Printing firmware for the Printronix
Graphics Language, which is designed for the new Printronix PSAt line of
line-matrix, laser and thermal printers. The IGP/PGL provides on–line forms,
bar codes, and many alphanumeric text–generation capabilities and is
compatible with earlier versions of Printronix IGP protocol and
programming. IGP/PGL graphics processing features are detailed below.
NOTE: The ThermaLinet Series printers are not floppy disk-based
printers. As a result, reference to disk drive ‘A’ implies the internal
SRAM, disk drive ‘B’ corresponds to the top external memory
module slot, and drive ‘C’ corresponds to the bottom memory
module slot. Note also that drive ‘C‘ does not exist for the T3204
On–Line Form and Label Generation makes it easy to create forms or
labels with a “preprinted” look for each application. IGP/PGL programs
control all graphic functions, dramatically reducing host computer
programming and processing time.
Graphic capabilities include boxes, vertical and horizontal lines with
user–selectable thickness, logos, and special alphanumeric print features.
Forms and graphic designs can be duplicated horizontally and vertically.
Alphanumeric data can appear as prepositioned “fixed” information (entered
when the form is created), can be overlayed onto the form (positioned in a
specific location after the form is created), or may be dynamically merged
with the form.
Selectable Bar Codes provides you with the appropriate bar code for your
application using standard wide–to–narrow ratios. A wide selection of bar
codes are available: Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5, UPC–A, UPC–E, MSI A
through D, Code 128 Subset B and C, Code 93, EAN 8, EAN 13, POSTNET,
FIM, and PDF–417. UPC and EAN bar codes can also specify add–on data.
Expanded and Compressed Character Print attract attention where
needed. Alphanumeric height and width are controlled independently for a
wide range of character sizes up to 113 times the standard character size (up
to 9.9 inches wide and tall). Compressed print sizes of 10 to 30 characters per
inch (cpi) are available.