Printronix ThermaLine Series Printer User Manual

Form Examples and Exercises6–34
Creating a Logo
1. Use your system commands to open a file for the logo program with the
filename HNDLGO.FOM. For example:
Enter Format
HNDLGO.FOM (System Format)
2. Input the Special Function Control Character and Logo mode command
to put the IGP/PGL in the Create Logo mode. Include HAND as the
logo name; specify a vertical length (VL) of 56 (column length) and a
horizontal length (HL) of 60 (row length).
Enter Format
~LOGO;HAND;56;60 (cc)LOGO;logoname;VL;HL[;DISK]
3. Enter each row of dot positions as tabulated from the grid and shown in
Figure 6–10. The format is Row;Column (for example,
15;13–29;36–51). Each row is entered on a separate line. After all the
dot positions are entered, terminate the Create Logo mode by entering
an End command line.
4. Use the Special Function Control Character and Create command to
create a form with the form name LEFTHAND. To add the logo to the
form, input a Create Form mode Logo Call command, identify the logo
starting row (SR) 45 and starting column (SC) 33, and specify the logo
to use by its name (HAND). Stop the Logo command and end the
Create Form mode.
Enter Format
45;33;HAND SR;SC;logoname[;DISK]