Printronix ThermaLine Series Printer User Manual

Purpose Produces any variety of rectangular boxes.
Format BOX
BOX The Box command; enter BOX. Boxes expand down
and to the right from the given row and column. (Note
the position of the ending row and ending column; they
do not include the line thickness.)
LT Defines the line thickness, measured in dots. Line
thickness is based on dot dimensions of 1/72”
vertically and 1/60” horizontally. Enter a value of 1 or
SR Defines the starting row of the box. Enter a value
ranging from row 1 through one less than the length of
the form. Character row or dot row is specified based
on the Scale command (page 4–88), or use the CP.DP
format (page 4–7).
SC Defines the starting column of the box. Enter a value
ranging from column 1 through one less than the width
of the form. Character column or dot column is
specified based on the Scale command (page 4–88), or
use the CP.DP format (page 4–7).
ER Defines the ending row of the box. Enter a value
ranging from row 2 through the last row of the form.
The ending row must be greater than the starting row.
Character row or dot row is specified based on the
Scale command (page 4–88), or use the CP.DP format
(page 4–7).