Psion Teklogix 7530 G2 Hand-Held Computer User Manual I
Accepted Start Char 175
bar code readers, connecting 215
handstrap 15
picker cradle 228
pistol grip 16
Active Conn Tab 119
ASync profile 116
Adaptive Windowing 191
adaptor cables, tether 234
Addendum 150, 152, 153, 179, 192
Addendum Add-on 2 179
Addendum Add-on 5 179
Addendum Security 180
Ad Hoc network 20
Advanced (wireless connection) 25
Advanced button (Radio tab) 143
AIAG Strip 147
AIAG Strip 147
ALT Key 35
transmitting data 148, 151
appearance (display colour scheme) 90
appending to bar codes
characters 148, 151, 196
7530 (including scanner) 238
arrow keys
moving the cursor 35
Full Ascii 147, 174
audio indicators
adjusting volume 48
description of beep conditions 47
volume adjustment using the BLUE
key 48
Authentication, Bluetooth Controls 117
authentication, network (Shared Mode) 21
Auto Exposure (Imager) 189
Auto Radio Address (Cellular Radio) 139
Auto Radio Address (Cellular Radio
Address) 139
display 88
intensity 41
keyboard 40
backup profile, creating (Total Recall) 126
backup profile, restoring (Total Recall)
Bad Scan Beep 197
bar code
appending to 148, 151, 196
connecting bar code reader 215
parameters 144–195
prefix character 148, 151
stripping characters 148, 149, 151
suffix character 151
Codabar 153, 167, 180, 192
Code 11 154, 181
Code 128 149, 163, 191
Code 39 147, 191
Code 93 153, 167, 181, 192
Discrete 2 of 5 155, 170, 184
EAN 13 150, 164, 177
EAN 8 151, 164, 178
IATA 2 of 5 156
Interleaved 2 of 5 154, 168, 182,
Matrix 2 of 5 183
MSI Plessey 155, 169, 183
UPC A 152, 164, 178
UPC E 152, 165, 178
trailing characters 151
bar code reader
external (specs) 240
external scanner, operation of 215
Barcodes Must Decode 188