VIII Psion Teklogix 7530 G2 Hand-Held Computer User Manual
SNMP (Simple Network Management
Protocol) 204
Communities 206
Contact 205
Enable SNMP 206
Location 205
Name 207
Rights 207
Soft Input Panel (SIP) 84
Soft Scan Timeout 197
SPACE Key 35
battery,7530 1900mAh 247
battery,7530 2400mAh 248
for 7530 237
scanner, internal 240
Standard (Code 128) 149
Start/Stop Transmit 174, 180
Start Menu 65
cycle tasks 70
desktop 66
programs 68
Run 72
Security 66
Settings 71
Shutdown 72
system tray 69
task manager 70
Statistics button (Radio tab) 143
Statistics screen (Narrow Band radio) 132
Stop Bits 201, 202, 203
Strip Leading 148, 151
Strip Start/Stop Chars 153
Strip Trailing 149, 151
stylus (touch pen) 59
Stylus Properties 107
Double-tap (stylus sensitivity) 107
Suffix 160
Suffix Char 148, 151
Supervisor security level 66
Supp. Redundancy (Code 128) 166
Supplementals (UPC-EAN) 166
Suspend (Shutdown menu) 73
Suspend State 103
SX5303 2D imager specs 247
IATA 2 of 5 156
symbologies, bar code 144
Sync Delay (Polling) 139
system tray 69
TAB Key 35
onscreen indicators
battery gauge 46
docking devices 47
modifier keys 45
narrow band radio signal quality 46
security level 47
tethered device 47
802.11 radio signal quality 46
using 62
task manager 70
TekImager Enabled 187
Teklogix security level 66
TekTerm application 81
Telepen 186
Test Polling Values 140
Test Squelch (Radio tab) 142
tether adaptor cables 234
tethered device
connecting and disconnecting 52
taskbar icons 47
Tether Port scanner settings 200
Tether Port settings
Baud 200
Data Bits 200
Parity 201
Stop Bits 201
threshold, setting (backlight) 89, 92
Total Recall
backup profile, creating 126
backup profile, restoring 130
touch pen, using 59
recalibration 41, 108
stylus 59
touch pen 59
Transmit Check Digit 175, 177, 178,
179, 181, 182, 184
Transmit Check Digit (I 2 of 5) 168
Transmit Check Digit (MSI Plessey) 169
Transmit Code 1D Char 160
transmit LED 44
Transmit Number System 178, 179
trigger mappings 110
triggers, configuring 109
Trigger Type, Manage Triggers menu 112
Trioptic Code 39, Enable 161