Index 3
QuickBoot feature 15
RAID support overview 1
rear fan cage assembly, replacing in Sun Fire V40z
related documentation xiii
remote console escape sequences 4
replacing Sun Fire V20z components, see Sun Fire
SCSI backplane assembly, replacing in Sun Fire
V40z 30
SCSI backplane, replacing in Sun Fire V20z 18
SCSI BIOS configuration utility 1
Security menu, BIOS 13
service processor
overview 12
ship kit, Sun Fire V20z 19
Sun Fire V20z
back panel overview 5
battery, replacing 34
cables, replacing 35
CD/DVD/diskette assembly, replacing 21
chassis swap 42
clear CMOS jumper 47
component locations 6
component locations for maintenance 4
connectors 5
cooling fans, replacing 26
CPU voltage regulator module (VRM), replacing
CPUs, replacing 37
environmental specifications 2
features 3
front panel overview 4
hard disk drive, replacing 16
I/O board, replacing 13
jumpers and indicators diagram 44
LCD display, replacing 23
list of customer replaceable units (CRUs) 12
memory modules, replacing 31
memory voltage regulator module (VRM) 28
motherboard diagram 44
operator panel board, replacing 23
operator panel location 4
overview 2
PCI card, replacing 14
physical specifications 1
power specifications 2
power supply, replacing 24
powering off for service 2
removing cover 2
replaceable components 21, 24
SCSI backplane, replacing 18
ship kit 19
Super-CRU, replacing 42
tools for maintenance procedures 1
Sun Fire V20z and V40z
common features 12
Sun Fire V40z
back panel overview 10
battery, replacing 63
cables, replacing 65
chassis swap 76
clear CMOS jumper 80
component locations 11
component locations for maintenance 3
connectors 10
cooling fan, replacing individual 32
CPU card diagram 78
CPU card, replacing 25
CPU voltage regulator module (VRM), replacing
CPUs, replacing 53
DVD/diskette drive assembly, replacing 24
environmental specifications 4
features 8
front bezel, removing 26
front fan cage assembly, replacing 34
front panel overview 9
hard disk drive, replacing 21
jumpers and indicators diagram 78
list of customer replaceable units (CRUs) 12
main air baffle, removing 30
memory modules, replacing 49
memory voltage regulator module (VRM) 41
motherboard diagram 78
operator panel location 9
operator panel/LCD assembly, replacing 29