TDS 684A, TDS 744A, & TDS 784A Service Manual
User Interface
Use a combination of front-panel buttons, knobs, and on-screen menus to control
the many functions of the oscilloscope. The front-panel controls are grouped
according to function: vertical, horizontal, trigger, and special. Set a function you
adjust often, such as vertical positioning or the time base setting, directly by its
own front-panel knob. Set a function you change less often, such as vertical
coupling or horizontal mode, indirectly using a selected menu.
Pressing one (sometimes two) front-panel button(s), such as vertical menu,
displays a main menu of related functions, such as coupling and bandwidth, at
the bottom of the screen. Pressing a main-menu button, such as coupling,
displays a side menu of settings for that function, such as AC, DC, or GND
(ground) coupling, at the right side of the screen. Pressing a side-menu button
selects a setting such as DC.
On-screen readouts help you keep track of the settings for various functions,
such as vertical and horizontal scale and trigger level. Some readouts use the
cursors or the automatic parameter extraction feature (called measure) to display
the results of measurements made or the status of the instrument.
Assign the general purpose knob to adjust a selected parameter function. More
quickly change parameters by toggling the SHIFT button. Use the same method
as for selecting a function, except the final side-menu selection assigns the
general purpose knob to adjust some function, such as the position of measure-
ment cursors on screen, or the setting for a channel fine gain.
The user interface also makes use of a GUI, or Graphical User Interface, to make
setting functions and interpreting the display more intuitive. Some menus and
status are displayed using iconic representations of function settings, such as
those shown here for full, 250 MHz and 20 MHz bandwidth. Such icons allow
you to more readily determine status or the available settings.
Signal Acquisition System
The signal acquisition system provides four, full-featured vertical channels with
calibrated vertical scale factors from 1 mV to 10 V per division. All channels can
be acquired simultaneously.
Each of the full-featured channels can be displayed, vertically positioned, and
offset, can have their bandwidth limited (250 MHz or 20 MHz) and their vertical
coupling specified. Fine gain can also be adjusted.
General Purpose Knob