Warranted Characteristics
TDS 684A, TDS 744A, & TDS 784A Service Manual
Table 1–10: Warranted Characteristics — Signal Acquisition System (Cont.)
Name Description
with P6139A Probe and Bandwidth
selection is FULL
Volts/Div as
Read Out on
684A Bandwidth
744A Bandwidth
784A Bandwidth
10 mV/div –
100 V/div
100 mV/div –
10 V/div
50 mV/div –
99.5 mV/div
20 mV/div –
49.8 mV/div
10 mV/div –
19.9 mV/div
500 MHz
500 MHz
500 MHz
500 MHz
400 MHz
500 MHz
500 MHz
500 MHz
500 MHz
450 MHz
500 MHz
500 MHz
500 MHz
500 MHz
500 MHz
Crosstalk (Channel Isolation) ≥100:1 at 100 MHz and ≥30:1 at the rated bandwidth for any two channels having equal
Volts/Div settings
Delay Between Channels, Full
TDS 684A: ≤100 ps for any two channels with equal Volts/Div and Coupling settings
TDS 744A/784A: ≤50 ps for any two channels with equal Volts/Div and Coupling settings
Input Impedance, DC–1 MW Coupled 1 MW ±0.5% in parallel with 10 pF ±3 pF
Input Impedance, DC–50 W Coupled
50 W ±1% with VSWR ≤1.3:1 from DC – 500 MHz, ≤1.5:1 from 500 MHz – 1 GHz
Input Voltage, Maximum, DC–1 MW,
AC–1 MW , or GND Coupled
±400 V (DC + peak AC); derate at 20 dB/decade above 1 MHz
Input Voltage, Maximum, DC-50 W or
AC–50 W Coupled
5 V
, with peaks ≤ ±30 V
Lower Frequency Limit, AC Coupled TDS 684A: ≤10 Hz when AC–1 MW Coupled; ≤200 kHz when AC–50 W Coupled
Net Offset = Offset – (Position × Volts/Div). Net Offset is the nominal voltage level at the oscilloscope input that
corresponds to the center of the A-D converter’s dynamic range. Offset Accuracy is the accuracy of this voltage level.
The limits given are for the ambient temperature range of 0_C to +30_C. Reduce the upper bandwidth frequencies by
5 MHz for the TDS 684A or by 2.5 MHz for the TDS 7XXA for each _C above +30_C.
The AC Coupled Lower Frequency Limits are reduced by a factor of 10 when 10X passive probes are used.
Table 1–11: Warranted Characteristics — Time Base System
Name Description
Accuracy, Long Term Sample Rate and
Delay Time
TDS 684A: ±100 ppm over any ≥1 ms interval
TDS 7XXA: ±25 ppm over any ≥1 ms interval