Using the Algorithms With C Code to Erase and Reprogram the ’F240
Assembly Source Listings and Program Examples
OR #06fh ; set WDDIS bit and WDCHK2:0 bits, WDCLK to max.
SACL WDCR ; write ACC out to WDTCR
* Step 9. Deallocate the local frame *
SBRK 1+1 ; deallocate frame, point to saved FP
* Step 10. restore the frame pointer *
LAR AR0,*– ; pop FP
* Step 11. copy the return address from the s/w stack and push onto h/w *
* stack *
PSHD * ; push return address on h/w stack
RET ; return
A.6.4 C Functions for Initializing the TMS320F240
* TMS320x240 Initialization Function *
* Arguments passed from Caller: None *
* Local Variables: None *
SYSSR .set 0701Ah
SYSCR .set 07018h
WDTCR .set 07029h ;WD Control reg
CKCR0 .set 0702ah ;PLL Clock Control Register 0
CKCR1 .set 0702ch ;PLL Clock Control Register 1
DP_PF1 .set 224
.globl _c240init
.def _c240init
_c240init: ; presume ARP = AR1 (SP)**
* On entry, presume ARP = AR1 (SP) *
* *
* Step 1. pop the return address off the h/w stack and push to s/w stack *
POPD *+ ; pop return address, push on software stack
; ARP=AR1, SP=SP+1
* Step 2. push the frame pointer onto s/w stack *
SAR AR0,*+ ; push AR0 (FP) onto SP
; ARP=AR1, SP=SP+2
* Step 3. Allocate the local frame *
SAR AR1,* ; *SP = FP
LAR AR0,#1 ; FP = size of local frame, 1
LAR AR0,*0+ ; FP = SP, SP += size ==> allocate frame