Related Documentation From Texas Instruments
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Related Documentation From Texas Instruments
The following books describe the ’F20x/24x and related support tools. To ob-
tain a copy of any of these TI documents, call the Texas Instruments Literature
Response Center at (800) 477–8924. When ordering, please identify the book
by its title and literature number.
TMS320C24x DSP Controllers Reference Set, Volume 1: CPU, System,
and Instruction Set
(literature number SPRU160) describes the
TMS320C24x 16-bit, fixed-point, digital signal processor controller.
Covered are its architecture, internal register structure, data and
program addressing, and instruction set. Also includes instruction set
comparisons and design considerations for using the XDS510 emulator.
TMS320C24x DSP Controllers Reference Set Volume 2: Peripheral
Library and Specific Devices
(literature number SPRU161) describes
the peripherals available on the TMS320C24x digital signal processor
controllers and their operation. Also described are specific device
configurations of the ’C24x family.
TMS320C240, TMS320F240 DSP Controllers
(literature number SPRS042)
data sheet contains the electrical and timing specifications for these
devices, as well as signal descriptions and pinouts for all of the available
TMS320C2x/C2xx/C5x Optimizing C Compiler User’s Guide
number SPRU024) describes the ’C2x/C2xx/C5x C compiler. This C
compiler accepts ANSI standard C source code and produces TMS320
assembly language source code for the ’C2x, ’C2xx, and ’C5x genera-
tions of devices.
TMS320F206 Digital Signal Processor
(literature number SPRS050) data
sheet contains the electrical and timing specifications for the ’F206
device, as well as signal descriptions and the pinout.
TMS320F241, TMS320C241, TMS320C242 DSP Controllers
number SPRS063) data sheet contains the electrical and timing
specifications for the ’F241, ’C241, and ’C242 devices, as well as signal
descriptions and pinouts.
TMS320F243 DSP Controller
(literature number SPRS064) data sheet
contains the electrical and timing specifications for the ’F243 device, as
well as signal descriptions and the pinout.
TMS320C2xx User’s Guide
(literature number SPRU127) discusses the
hardware aspects of the ’C2xx 16-bit, fixed-point digital signal proces-
sors. It describes the architecture, the instruction set, and the on-chip pe-