4-43 Administrative functions in the Setup menu
Administrative functions in the Setup menu
The remaining choices in the Setup menu are intended to help you manage print jobs
and color output but are not required for printing.
• Job Log Setup allows you to specify whether the GA-1120 prints and clears its log of
printed jobs automatically.
• Change Password allows you to create or change an Administrator password on the
GA-1120 so that casual users cannot enter the Setup menus and change settings
without permission. The Administrator password also controls many functions
available from the job management tools.
• Clear Server clears all queued print jobs from the server—jobs in the GA-1120
Print, Hold, and Printed queues. Clear Server also clears the Job Log, all jobs
archived on the Fiery hard disk, the index of archived jobs, and all FreeForm masters
and the index of FreeForm masters.
1. In the main Setup menu, choose Job Log Setup.
2. Enter the options, as described in the following section.
3. When you have finished, save changes.