10.10 Repeat Entry
10- 6
3. In one sale transaction, when the entry of a sales item with the age limit status causes an error (the error
message “UNDER AGE”), the entry of another sales item with the age limit status requires the entry of
date of birth and the [ID] key depression. The age confirmation will be automatically performed in the
second or later entry of cigarette or alcoholic beverage.
4. Entry of the date of birth can be programmed to be compulsory.
5. In the entry of cigarette or alcoholic beverage after the Recall Operation, it is unnecessary to enter the
date of birth and depress the [ID] key if the age confirmation has been performed before the Hold
6. Immediately after the ID check error (the error message “UNDER AGE”) is cleared by the [C] key, the
Item Correct Operation is not possible, but the Void or the All Void operation is possible.
Example) In case a customer aged 20 (date of birth: July 31st, 1983) purchases items (DEPT5=age limit 21,
DEPT6=age limit 18) on August 30th, 2003.
10.10 Repeat Entry
To repeat the same item of the last entry, simply depress the last key of the department or PLU entry sequence
or depress the [RPT] key.
(1) Department Repeat
Open Department Type
• |Price
| [Open DEPT] [Same DEPT] (or [RPT])
• |Open-Dept Code
| [DP#] |Price| [AMT] [AMT] (or [RPT])
Preset Department Type
• [Preset DEPT] [Same DEPT] (or [RPT])
• |Preset-Dept Code
| [DP#] [DP#] (or [RPT])
Preset-price Open Repeat
• [PR OPEN] (or [OPEN]) |Price
| [Preset DEPT] [RPT]
• [PR OPEN] (or [OPEN]) |Preset-Dept Code
| [DP#] |Price| [AMT] [RPT]
(2) PLU Repeat
Open PLU Type
• |Open-PLU Code
| [PLU] |Price| [AMT] [AMT] (or [RPT])
• |Price
| [PLU Preset-Code Key] [Same key] (or [RPT])
NOTES: 1. If the first item of those repeated is modified with [SI/M], [LC OPEN], [FS/M], or [TX/M], the
modified status will be effective through the last item of the repeated.
2. Please note that the Preset-price Open Repeat using a [Preset DEPT] key or a [PLU Preset-
Code Key] can only be repeated by the [RPT] key.
3. A negative Department or negative PLU item cannot be repeated. Neither can any Other Income
Department/PLU be repeated.
-- Receipt Print Format --
-- Receipt Print Format --
The customer’s age is under 21, resulting in an error.
This sales item cannot be accepted by the age confirmation,
the entered value of date of birth will be invalid.
The customer’s age is over 18, resulting that the sales item
can be entered.
Age Confirmation
-- Receipt Print Format --
ID CHECK 07/31/1983
Tomato $1.00TF
Tomato $1.00TF