Toshiba MA-1595-1 Cash Register User Manual

10.20 Sub-Link PLU Entry
10.20 Sub-Link PLU Entry
When the Sub-link PLU is of Preset-PLU Type:
Head-link PLU Entry Sub-link PLU Code Entry
- - -
(automatically entered)
When the Sub-link PLU is of Open-PLU Type:
| [AMT] - - -
Example) PLU “Drink Small-B” is programmed as
Head-link PLU and PLU “Small-Btl
Depo” and “Eco Fees” are programmed
as Sub-link in this example.
PLU Table Link PLU Table
PLU Code
PLU Name Tax Status
Link PLU
Table No.
Table Code
PLU Code
000001 Drink Small-B TAX1 1 1 000002
000002 Small-Btl Depo 2 2 000003
000003 Eco Fees TAX1
NOTES: 1. For entering a Price of the Sub-link PLU, the [PLU Preset-code Key] cannot be used (always use
the [AMT] key in this case).
2. When the program option “Manager Intervention for entering Negative Departments/PLUs in REG
mode” has been selected, a Manager Intervention is required for the Head-link PLU entry of which
Sub-link PLU is programmed as negative status.
10.21 Urgent PLU Maintenance
(to enter a PLU item not existing in the PLU program file)
PLU Entry Operation
[PLU ADD] (|Quantity
| [@/FOR]) |PLU Code| [PLU]
in case of quantity extension
|Unit Price
| [AMT] - - -
|Dept Code
| [DP#]
Link Department Designation
NOTES: 1. When a PLU item is successfully entered in the operation procedure above, the item is printed on
the receipt and journal. The item name at this time is the name of the Link Department. At the
same time, the PLU item is automatically added to the PLU ADDITIONAL FILE. Thus, the added
PLU item can now be entered normally on any of the terminals.
2. Since PLU items thus added to the PLU file are programmed with the name of the link department
and the “zero” status as a provisional measure, it will be a Manager’s job to change those PLU
tables with proper name and status as a PLU maintenance operation later (described in the
Manager’s Guide).
Error Message
is displayed.
Depress [C]
to cancel the
error status.
Or, scan the barcode.
Max. 6 digits
(0 to 999999)
-- Receipt Print Format --
Drink Small-B $0.60T
Small-Btl Depo $0.05
Eco Fees $0.02T