Toshiba MA-600-1 Cash Register User Manual

5. DISPLAY EO1-11155
5.2 10-digit 7-segment Numeric Display
5- 4
Error Message
(Standard Setting)
Cause of the Error Canceling the Error
SH_TEND PROHIBIT The depressed key has been programmed with
the status of short-tendering prohibition.
Perform a registration operation so as not to result in
short-tendered amount.
SLIP OFF LINE Remote slip printer is off line status.
(The remote slip printer is off or the printer cable
is disconnected.)
When this error message is displayed, the [ITEM
CORR] key depression will let a confirmation message
displayed. By following the confirmation message, the
[ITEM CORR] key depression will let the printer
disconnected, meanwhile the [C] key depression will
let the printer remain connected.
SLIP PAPER OUT No slip paper is set. Set a slip paper on the remote slip printer.
TENDER ONLY Tender only error The depressed key has been programmed with the
tender-only status. Contact your nearest TOSHIBA
TEC representative if necessary.
TOTAL ONLY Total only error The depressed key has been programmed with the
total-only status. Contact your nearest TOSHIBA TEC
representative if necessary.
TXBL TL COMP [TXBL TL] key entry compulsion error Depress the [TXBL TL] key prior to the sale
finalization operation.
VALIDATION CMP The operation requires a validation print.
VOLTAGE ERROR Printer voltage error Contact your nearest TOSHIBA TEC representative.
It is recommended to prepare a copy of the above table, and place it near the ECR.
5.2 10-digit 7-segment Numeric Display
(1) Numeric Display
Amount (8 digits) Displays the numeric data such as amount and quantity. When the obtained total or
subtotal amount is 10-digit value, the X and DPT digits are also used for the amount
display. When no entries are under way and the Mode Lock is in the REG position, the
current time is displayed.
DPT (2 digits) Displays a Department Code of a department item just entered. The department name is
also displayed in the LCD display. It remains lit when the entry of the same department
item is repeated.
X (1 digit) Displays the repeat count of the same Department or PLU item. The count is indicated
from the second entry on, and only the lowest digit of the repeat count will be displayed
even when the count exceeds nine (such as “0” for 10, “1” for 11, etc.)
5.3 Message Description (Status Lamps)
Status Lamp Color
Illuminates with the alarm buzzer generated to indicate that the last operation or
numeric entry was an error. To clear the error status, depress the [C] key.
Blinks when the program option “slip print compulsory” has been selected. This
lamp does not illuminate even when a slip is set to the slip printer.
Illuminates when the Receipt-OFF mode is declared by the [LOG/RECEIPT] (or
[RECEIPT]) key. In this condition, no receipts will be issued for a sale to be
entered. It extinguishes by depressing the [LOG/RECEIPT] (or [RECEIPT]) key
again for Receipt-ON mode.
Illuminates only when the Cashier Code Entry method is selected. It illuminates
when a cashier has signed ON. It extinguishes when the cashier has signed
OFF, and the message “LOG” is displayed in the LCD display instead.
Illuminates during data communication between the ECR and a PC.
Illuminates on a finalizing operation with the total amount displayed when the sale
is finalized without any amount tendered.
Illuminates when the [ST] key is depressed, indicating that the displayed amount
is subtotal.
When an amount tendering operation is performed, it illuminates with the change
due displayed.