Toshiba MA-600-1 Cash Register User Manual

11.28 Dollar Discount
11.28 Dollar Discount
- - - Dept or PLU item entry
(for discount from an individual item)
| [DOLL DISC] - - -
- - - [ST]
(for discount from the sale total)
-- Receipt Print Format --
(for discount from an individual item) (for discount from the sale total)
1. This operation can be performed both inside a sale and outside a sale. (The “credit balance” option is
ignored.) The dollar discount amount exceeding the subtotal amount can be entered.
For the department or PLU programmed with taxable or food stampable status, the amount exceeding each
subtotal amount can also be entered.
When the taxable or food stampable amount is negative, the Dollar Discount operation is performed on it.
2. When the discount amount limit has been programmed, the Dollar Discount operation on the discount amount
exceeding the limit is not possible in REG mode. As the discount amount limit is not effective in MGR and -
modes, the Dollar Discount operation on a maximum of 7-digit discount amount is possible.
3. After performing a dollar discount operation, neither the Dollar Discount operation nor the Percent
Charge/Discount operation is possible.
11.29 Percent Discount, Percent Charge
Dept or PLU entry [%-] (or [%+])..................for the preset rate
Positive Previous Balance entry (credit balance)
[ST] |Rate
| [%-] (or [%+])........for the manual rate
-- Receipt Print Format --
1. Rate ............................................... 0.001 to 99.999 (%).
2. When no rate is preset, the value of rate should be entered.
3. When the Dept or PLU item entry is modified with [RTN MDSE] or [VOID], the following % entry will also be
modified with [RTN MDSE] or [VOID].
4. A % entry will cause an error if operated after a Negative Department/PLU or [TXBL TL].
5. Even when the rate is preset, an inputted numeric value will be activated as a rate. (Entry of the numeric
value 0 causes an error.)
6. A % entry after obtaining a subtotal is usually allowed only once. However, it can be programmed to allow
multiple times. (Ask your TOSHIBA TEC representative.)
01 $1.00
DISC -0.05
SUBTL $21.00
DISC -1.00
03 $3.40
5% -0.17
SUBTL $6.00
10% -0.60