Analog Programming (APG) and Isolated Analog Programming (ISOL)
4-20 975-0200-01-01
Table 4-4
AUX Output and ISOL Connector Pins and Functions J3
PIn Reference Function
J3.1 AUX_ON_OFF Auxiliary On/Off
J3.2 COM_ISOLATED Isolated Common (Isolated from Main Output and Communication.
Return wire for +5 V, +15 V Auxiliary Voltage.
J3.3 IS_VOL_PR_VOL Isolated Analog Voltage Programming Input
J3.4 IS_VOL_PR_CUR Isolated Analog Current Programming Input
J3.5 IS_MON_VOL Isolated Voltage Monitor. Scaled to the value of the Voltage Analog
Programming Level.
J3.6 COM_ISOLATED Isolated Common (Isolated from Main Output and Communication.
Return wire for control signals, monitoring and programming.
J3.7 ISO_CUR_RES_PR Isolated Current Resistive Programming
J3.8 ISO_VOL_RES_PR Isolated Voltage Resistive Programming
J3.9 +AUX 1
+5 V Isolated Output
1.Use unshielded cable up to 9.84 feet (3 m) length with high-density D-Sub type connector
with ferrite bead (Fair-Rite part number 0443164251).
J3.10 IS_MON_CUR Isolated Current Monitor. Scaled to the value of the Voltage Analog
Programming Level.
J3.11 +AUX 2
+15 V Isolated Output
J3.12 SD Shutdown
J3.13 PS_GOOD PS_GOOD. Power supply output enabled.
J3.14 INTER_LOCK 1 Interlock. Is a dry contact type. Shorting pins J3.14 and J3.15 with
the interlock enabled will disable the output of the power supply.
J3.15 INTER_LOCK 2 Interlock
CAUTION: Equipment damage
Do not drive or apply a voltage to pins J3.14 (Inter_Lock 1) or to pins J3.15
(Inter_Lock 2).