Remote Operation
5-46 975-0200-01-01
Query Format:
Set Temperature Status Negative Transition Filter
SCPI command:
:NTRansition <status-enable>
Query Format:
SCPI Error/Event Queue
The error/event queue contains items that include a numerical and textual
description of the error or event. Querying for the full queue item (for
example, with SYSTem:ERRor[:NEXT]?) will return a response with
the following syntax:
<Error/Event Number>, "<Error/Event
Description>;<Optional Device Dependent Info>"
The <Error/event_number> is a unique integer in the range [-32768,
32767]. All positive numbers are instrument-dependent. All negative
numbers are reserved by the SCPI standard with certain standard error/
event codes described in the SCPI 1999 standard document. The value,
zero, is also reserved to indicate that no error or event has occurred.
The second parameter of the full response is a quoted string containing an
<Error/event_description> followed by optional <Device-dependent
info> text. Each <Error/event_number> has a unique and fixed <Error/
event_description> associated with it.
The maximum string length of <Error/event_description> plus <Device-
dependent_info> is 255 characters.
As errors and events are detected, they are placed in a queue. This queue
is first in, first out. If the queue overflows, the last error/event in the
queue is replaced with error:
-350,"Queue overflow