Configure Other Protection Mechanisms
975-0200-01-01 5-65
:CURRent[:ISOLated] {?|<level>}
:CURRent {?|<level>}
<level> is the maximum voltage or resistance that will be input to the
analog inputs.The acceptable range is from 2 to 10 V and 2 to 10kΩ.
Set Remote Programming Interface
The remote source can be select using the following SCPI commands.
These commands are equivalent to the procedure on
“Introduction” on
page 5–2.
[:NISOLated] {?|LOCal|AVOLtage|ARESistive}
[:VOLTage]:ISOLated {?|LOCal|AVOLtage|ARESistive}
[:NISOLated] {?|LOCal|AVOLtage|ARESistive}
:ISOLated {?|LOCal|AVOLtage|ARESistive}
LOCal indicates the value is controlled by the set point.
AVOLtage is used to set the output to be controlled by an analog voltage
ARESistive is used to set the output to be controlled by a resistor circuit.
Protection Mask (Enable Alarms)
The protection mask allows for the different alarms to be masked,
completely disabling them. This means that the SCPI status and
operations registers will not detect the alarms. You will have no way of
knowing the current operation state of the alarm. The protection mask is a
feature that is only accessible using the SCPI command noted below.
[:]SYSTem[<channel>]:PROTection[:MASK] {?|<mask>}