Terminal Configuration
975-0200-01-01 5-23
Multichannel commands are particularly useful for configuring groups of
devices that require identical configurations.
The SCPI Commands for these instructions are:
[:]<root command> <ALL|addr1>[,[ ]<addr2>][,[
]<addr3>][,...]:<command> <parameter>
For example:
sour 1, 2, 3, 7:volt 4.5
syst4,5,6:oper:enab 255
syst ALL:clear
output0:stat on
Status Reporting in SCPI
The status reporting implemented in the XTR is primarily dictated by the
SCPI standard. This section provides a high level review of the standard
status reporting required by SCPI and then covers the XTR specific
reporting that is implemented within the SCPI status reporting
Figure 5-18 is taken from the SCPI 99 standard and shows the minimum
status reporting requirements for a SCPI compliant device.
Throughout this chapter, figures are used to explain the relationship
between the registers, enable/disabling register and their summary bits.
The figures use four logical symbols to demonstrate the relationship
between the register. The “!” block represents logical not or complement
of the input signal. The “&” block represents the logical AND operator.
The “|” block represents the logical OR operation. The “+” block
addresses specified
Only the device selected
using the *adr or
commands will respond. If
none of the device have
been selected then no
response will be seen.
Table 5-8
Rules for Multichannel Responses
Condition Response Example