Xerox 5230A All in One Printer User Manual

[Cover Page - Recipient’s Comment] Screen
Allows you to add a comment to the recipient field on the fax cover sheet.
No Report
Does not add a comment to the
recipient field on the fax cover sheet.
Adds a comment to the recipient field
on the fax cover sheet.
Select Comment
Allows you to select a comment from the list of comments already registered. Use the
scroll buttons to scroll through the list.
For information on how to register comments, refer to the Setups chapter in the
System Administration Guide.
[Cover Page - Sender’s Comment] Screen
Allows you to add a comment to the sender field on the fax cover sheet.
No Report
Does not add a comment to the
sender field on the fax cover sheet.
Adds a comment to the sender field
on the fax cover sheet.
Select Comment
Allows you to select a comment from the list of comments already registered. Use the
scroll buttons to scroll through the list.
For information on how to register comments, refer to the Setups chapter in the
System Administration Guide.