Password Displays the Job Type password specified in the Configuration
tab. Each digit entered is displayed as an asterisk (*). This option
can only be selected when the setting on the Configuration tab
has been completed. This is a display-only item and cannot be
changed in Password.
Retrieve Document Name Select the method of specifying the document name. If you have
selected Auto Retrieve, the valid document name can be up to 24
alphanumeric characters.
Document Name When Enter Document Name is selected in the Stored Document
Name list, you can specify a document name with a maximum of
24 alphanumeric characters.
Start Print Time Set the time that you want Delayed Print to be carried out. Place
the cursor in the hour or minute box and press the up or down
triangle to specify the starting time. You can also set the time by
entering the time directly into the boxes.
• The default setting is 00:00