Installing and Starting Adaptec Storage Manager
6 UnixWare Only—To start RAID Agent, type the following case-
sensitive command:
sh /opt/RaidMan/RaidAgnt.sh
When successful, a copyright message is displayed in the
terminal window.
If you want RAID Agent to run at startup all the time, add the
following line to the
/etc/inittab and /etc/conf/init.d/kernel files:
nfra:12346:once:sh /opt/RaidMan/RaidAgnt.sh
Installing Storage Manager on NetWare
■ With NetWare, Storage Manager supports up to 16
Adaptec RAID controllers.
You need the latest Support Pack for your operating system
so you can run the supported Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
■ You need JVM version 1.3 or later. To check your JVM
version, load JVM, type
■ For the latest updates from Novell, visit www.novell.com.
To install Storage Manager:
1 Insert the Adaptec installation CD.
2 From the command prompt, type
load cdrom and press Enter.
3 From the command prompt, type:
The installation program starts.
4 Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the