Chapter 1 - Installing and Accessing the REX2
2 Campus-REX2 RS Interface Card User Manual
The Campus-REX2 can be installed into either a Campus-Star chassis
(paired with a Campus-RS or -HRS Line Unit) or into a Campus-RS or -HRS
desktop unit. The , installed into either, provides one end of a High-bit-rate
Digital Subscriber Line (HDSL) transmission system. When connected to
another Campus-RS, Campus-HRS, Campus-T1®, Campus-768®, or
Campus-E1® desktop unit or a line unit in another chassis, the Campus
system transports digitized voice, data, and video signals over existing copper
wire at an HDSL rate specified by the user from a range of rates up to 4.608
When the Campus-REX2 is installed in a Campus-HRS desktop unit or with
a Campus-HRS line unit (or older), only T1, E1, and 768 Mbps data rates are
The following sections describe how to install the Campus-REX2 RS
Interface Card into either a:
• Campus desktop unit on page 1-3
• Campus-Star chassis on page 1-4
For information about compatibility between the Campus-REX2 and other
Campus products, refer to “Product Compatibility” on page 136.
For information about products that comprise a Campus system, refer to
“Composition of a Campus-RS System” on page 120.
Ensure that the Campus-REX2 is installed into a Campus-RS
or Campus-HRS desktop unit or into a Campus-Star chassis
with a Campus-RS or Campus-HRS line unit only. The
Campus-REX2 will not operate if it is installed in an earlier
version of these Campus products.
Ensure that you read important information on surge
protection for HDSL line installation in the line unit or desktop
unit manual before installing the Campus-REX2 interface