User's Guide
Code Sets D-37
Table D-6. Epson and IBM Escape Sequences––continued
Function ASCII Hexadecimal Decimal Description
Text Functions––continued
End extended character .... ESC ESC C 1B 1B 43 27 27 67 This sequence ends the ECS mode by replacing the ECS
set (ECS) mode characters in the active font with the normal ASCII/IBM
characters. ECS characters are assigned codes above 7F
hex. To start the ECS mode, reselect the font using the
Set Font sequence. If the active font is not an ECS font,
the printer ignores this sequence.
Set font ............................... ESC ESC F n 1B 1B 46 n 27 27 70 n This sequence selects an available font; it does not change
Courier (10 cpi) .............. ESC ESC F SOH 1B 1B 46 01 27 27 70 1 the current character spacing. Each font has one or
Courier (alternate, 10 cpi) ESC ESC F 1 1B 1B 46 31 27 27 70 49 more numbers. To select a font, the sequence specifies
Gothic (12 cpi) ............... ESC ESC F STX 1B 1B 46 02 27 27 70 2 one of the assigned numbers. Downloaded fonts are
Gothic (alternate, 12 cpi) ESC ESC F 2 1B 1B 46 32 27 27 70 50 assigned numbers in reverse order beginning with FF
Gothic (17.1 cpi) ............ ESC ESC F ETX 1B 1B 46 03 27 27 70 3 hex (255 decimal).
Gothic (alt., 17.1 cpi) ..... ESC ESC F 3 1B 1B 46 33 27 27 70 51
Trend PS ........................ ESC ESC F EOT 1B 1B 46 04 27 27 70 4 At left is a partial list of fonts. When the printer receives
Trend PS (alternate) ....... ESC ESC F 4 1B 1B 46 34 27 27 70 52 a sequence that selects a font that is not in the installed
Elite (12 cpi) .................. ESC ESC F ENQ 1B 1B 46 05 27 27 70 5 Intelli-card, it sounds the audiable alarm, displays
Orator (10 cpi) ............... ESC ESC F BEL 1B 1B 46 07 27 27 70 7 FONT UNAVAILABLE on the control panel, and
Courier Legal (10 cpi) .... ESC ESC F HT 1B 1B 46 09 27 27 70 9 continues printing.
Broadway (PS) ............... ESC ESC F FS 1B 1B 46 1C 27 27 70 28
Micro (17.1 cpi) ............. ESC ESC F RS 1B 1B 46 1E 27 27 70 30
Script (PS) ...................... ESC ESC F NAK 1B 1B 46 15 27 27 70 21
Gothic PS ....................... ESC ESC F ACK 1B 1B 46 06 27 27 70 6
Micro PS ........................ ESC ESC F ' 1B 1B 46 27 27 27 70 39
OCR-A (10 cpi) ............. ESC ESC F SP 1B 1B 46 20 27 27 70 32
OCR-B (10 cpi).............. ESC ESC F ETB 1B 1B 46 17 27 27 70 23
APL (10 cpi) .................. ESC ESC F EM 1B 1B 46 19 27 27 70 25
Gen'l Scientific (10 cpi) .. ESC ESC F LF 1B 1B 46 0A 27 27 70 10
DEC Scientific (10 cpi) .. ESC ESC F VT 1B 1B 46 0B 27 27 70 11
Chemical (10 cpi) ........... ESC ESC F CAN 1B 1B 46 18 27 27 70 24
Download font 1 ............ ESC ESC F 255 1B 1B 46 FF 27 27 70 255
Download font 2 ............ ESC ESC F 254 1B 1B 46 FE 27 27 70 254
Set print feature ................ ESC I n 1B 49 n 27 73 n This sequence sets a combination of printing features:
combination font, print quality, and character spacing/cell size.
Gothic, draft, 10 cpi ....... ESC I NUL 1B 49 00 27 73 0
Courier, letter, 10 cpi ..... ESC I STX 1B 49 02 27 73 2
Trend PS, letter, PS ........ ESC I ETX 1B 49 03 27 73 3
Download, draft, 10 cpi . ESC I EOT 1B 49 04 27 73 4
Download, letter, 10 cpi . ESC I ACK 1B 49 06 27 73 6
Download, letter, PS ...... ESC I BEL 1B 49 07 27 73 7
Gothic, draft, 12 cpi ....... ESC I BS 1B 49 08 27 73 8
Elite, letter, 12 cpi .......... ESC I LF 1B 49 0A 27 73 10
Download, draft, 12 cpi . ESC I FF 1B 49 0C 27 73 12
Download, letter, 12 cpi . ESC I SO 1B 49 0E 27 73 14
Gothic, draft, 17.1 cpi .... ESC I DLE 1B 49 10 27 73 16
Courier, letter, 17.1 cpi .. ESC I DC2 1B 49 14 27 73 18
Download, draft, 17.1 cpi ESC I DC4 1B 49 14 27 73 20
Download, letter, 17.1 cpi ESC I SYN 1B 49 16 27 73 22
User's Guide
Code Sets D-37
Table D-6. Epson and IBM Escape Sequences––continued
Function ASCII Hexadecimal Decimal Description
Text Functions––continued
End extended character .... ESC ESC C 1B 1B 43 27 27 67 This sequence ends the ECS mode by replacing the ECS
set (ECS) mode characters in the active font with the normal ASCII/IBM
characters. ECS characters are assigned codes above 7F
hex. To start the ECS mode, reselect the font using the
Set Font sequence. If the active font is not an ECS font,
the printer ignores this sequence.
Set font ............................... ESC ESC F n 1B 1B 46 n 27 27 70 n This sequence selects an available font; it does not change
Courier (10 cpi) .............. ESC ESC F SOH 1B 1B 46 01 27 27 70 1 the current character spacing. Each font has one or
Courier (alternate, 10 cpi) ESC ESC F 1 1B 1B 46 31 27 27 70 49 more numbers. To select a font, the sequence specifies
Gothic (12 cpi) ............... ESC ESC F STX 1B 1B 46 02 27 27 70 2 one of the assigned numbers. Downloaded fonts are
Gothic (alternate, 12 cpi) ESC ESC F 2 1B 1B 46 32 27 27 70 50 assigned numbers in reverse order beginning with FF
Gothic (17.1 cpi) ............ ESC ESC F ETX 1B 1B 46 03 27 27 70 3 hex (255 decimal).
Gothic (alt., 17.1 cpi) ..... ESC ESC F 3 1B 1B 46 33 27 27 70 51
Trend PS ........................ ESC ESC F EOT 1B 1B 46 04 27 27 70 4 At left is a partial list of fonts. When the printer receives
Trend PS (alternate) ....... ESC ESC F 4 1B 1B 46 34 27 27 70 52 a sequence that selects a font that is not in the installed
Elite (12 cpi) .................. ESC ESC F ENQ 1B 1B 46 05 27 27 70 5 Intelli-card, it sounds the audiable alarm, displays
Orator (10 cpi) ............... ESC ESC F BEL 1B 1B 46 07 27 27 70 7 FONT UNAVAILABLE on the control panel, and
Courier Legal (10 cpi) .... ESC ESC F HT 1B 1B 46 09 27 27 70 9 continues printing.
Broadway (PS) ............... ESC ESC F FS 1B 1B 46 1C 27 27 70 28
Micro (17.1 cpi) ............. ESC ESC F RS 1B 1B 46 1E 27 27 70 30
Script (PS) ...................... ESC ESC F NAK 1B 1B 46 15 27 27 70 21
Gothic PS ....................... ESC ESC F ACK 1B 1B 46 06 27 27 70 6
Micro PS ........................ ESC ESC F ' 1B 1B 46 27 27 27 70 39
OCR-A (10 cpi) ............. ESC ESC F SP 1B 1B 46 20 27 27 70 32
OCR-B (10 cpi).............. ESC ESC F ETB 1B 1B 46 17 27 27 70 23
APL (10 cpi) .................. ESC ESC F EM 1B 1B 46 19 27 27 70 25
Gen'l Scientific (10 cpi) .. ESC ESC F LF 1B 1B 46 0A 27 27 70 10
DEC Scientific (10 cpi) .. ESC ESC F VT 1B 1B 46 0B 27 27 70 11
Chemical (10 cpi) ........... ESC ESC F CAN 1B 1B 46 18 27 27 70 24
Download font 1 ............ ESC ESC F 255 1B 1B 46 FF 27 27 70 255
Download font 2 ............ ESC ESC F 254 1B 1B 46 FE 27 27 70 254
Set print feature ................ ESC I n 1B 49 n 27 73 n This sequence sets a combination of printing features:
combination font, print quality, and character spacing/cell size.
Gothic, draft, 10 cpi ....... ESC I NUL 1B 49 00 27 73 0
Courier, letter, 10 cpi ..... ESC I STX 1B 49 02 27 73 2
Trend PS, letter, PS ........ ESC I ETX 1B 49 03 27 73 3
Download, draft, 10 cpi . ESC I EOT 1B 49 04 27 73 4
Download, letter, 10 cpi . ESC I ACK 1B 49 06 27 73 6
Download, letter, PS ...... ESC I BEL 1B 49 07 27 73 7
Gothic, draft, 12 cpi ....... ESC I BS 1B 49 08 27 73 8
Elite, letter, 12 cpi .......... ESC I LF 1B 49 0A 27 73 10
Download, draft, 12 cpi . ESC I FF 1B 49 0C 27 73 12
Download, letter, 12 cpi . ESC I SO 1B 49 0E 27 73 14
Gothic, draft, 17.1 cpi .... ESC I DLE 1B 49 10 27 73 16
Courier, letter, 17.1 cpi .. ESC I DC2 1B 49 14 27 73 18
Download, draft, 17.1 cpi ESC I DC4 1B 49 14 27 73 20
Download, letter, 17.1 cpi ESC I SYN 1B 49 16 27 73 22