4-82 Configuring Broadcast Suppression
Configuring Broadcast Suppression
Excessive broadcasts to all ports, or broadcast storms, can result in severe
network performance problems, and possibly cause the network to crash. Devices
which support the broadcast suppression feature provide automatic protection
against broadcast/multicast storms.
In many ways, broadcast suppression is similar to Þltering. To protect against
storms, an acceptable rate for broadcast trafÞc across a port is deÞned. Ports
which reach this user-deÞned threshold will be throttled, and an SNMP trap
message will be sent to the network management station.
To access the Broadcast Suppression window:
1. Click on the Device menu from the Chassis View window of the selected
2. Drag down to select Broadcast Suppression…. The Broadcast Suppression
window, Figure 4-25, will appear.
Figure 4-25. The Broadcast Suppression Window
In the Broadcast Suppression Window, each interface of the device that is being
monitored can be individually conÞgured for automatic broadcast/multicast
storm protection.
You can also deÞne what level of broadcasts the device will recognize as a
broadcast storm by specifying the number of broadcast packets that can be
transmitted within a given time period.