4-14 Enabling and Disabling Bridging
¥ The Sonet/SDH ConÞgurationÉ window enables you to determine whether
any installed FE-100Sx Fast Ethernet Port Interface Modules or APIM-2x ATM
Port Interface Modules, both of which provide direct access to SONET
(Synchronous Optical Network) networks, will operate according to SONET
or SDH (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy) standards (see SONET/SDH
ConÞguration, page 4-74).
¥ The Sonet StatisticsÉ option opens a window that will let you view some of
the statistical information related to any installed FE100-Sx Fast Ethernet Port
Interface Modules or APIM-2x ATM Port Interface Modules (see SONET/SDH
Statistics Window, page 4-76).
¥ The Physical ViewÉ option allows you to view the physical state of the
Ethernet bridge port through the ETW EtherPhysStatus window and the
Token Ring bridge port through the Token Ring Phys Status window when
you are monitoring an ETWMIM via SPECTRUM Element Manager (see
Using the Physical View Windows, page 4-85).
¥ The CSMACD StatsÉ option opens a window that enables you to view
color-coded statistical information for some Ethernet bridging interfaces,
including receive errors, transmission errors, and collision errors (see The
CSMACD Statistics Window, page 4-23).
¥ Enable and Disable options allow you to administratively enable or disable
bridging at the selected interface (see Enabling and Disabling Bridging,
page 4-14).
Enabling and Disabling Bridging
When you disable a bridge port, you disconnect that portÕs network from the
bridge entirely. The port does not forward any packets, nor does it participate in
Spanning Tree operations. Nodes connected to the network can still communicate
with each other, but they canÕt communicate with the bridge and other networks
connected to the bridge. When you enable a port, the port moves from the
Disabled state through the Learning and Listening states to the Forwarding or
Blocking state (as determined by Spanning Tree).
Enabling and Disabling Individual Interfaces
There are two ways to disable an individual port interface:
from the Bridge Status window:
1. Click on the desired Port button ( ) to display the port menu.
2. Drag down to Enable to restart bridging on the selected interface, or Disable
to halt bridging across the selected interface.