Related Manuals 1-3
primary window menus, consult the SPECTRUM Element Manager UserÕs Guide
and the SPECTRUM Element Manager Tools Guide.
Following is a description of the applications covered in this guide. While we
provide as much background information as we can, we do assume that youÕre
familiar with Ethernet, Frame Relay, and WAN networks, and with general
network management concepts:
¥ Chapter 1, Introduction, provides a list of related documentation, describes
certain software conventions, and shows you how to contact the Cabletron
Systems Global Call Center.
¥ Chapter 2, CSX200 and CSX400 Chassis Views, describes the visual displays
of the CSX200 and CSX400 devices and how to use the mouse with the Chassis
Views. Also described are some basic functions available only from within the
Chassis Views (changing the port display, opening menus and windows,
enabling and disabling ports, checking device and port status, and so on).
¥ Chapter 3, CSX200 and CSX400 WAN ConÞguration, describes the physical
conÞguration of the CSX200 and CSX400 devices, including WPIM options,
and explains the WAN Logical View window.
¥ Chapter 4, Bridging, discusses the Bridge Status window, instructs you on
conÞguring bridge parameters, and discusses the Bridge Filtering and Special
Related Manuals
The CSX200 and CSX400 UserÕs Guide is only part of a complete document set
designed to provide comprehensive information about the features available to
you through SPECTRUM Element Manager. Other guides which supply
important information related to managing the CSX200 and CSX400 include:
Cabletron SystemsÕ SPECTRUM Element Manager UserÕs Guide
Cabletron SystemsÕ SPECTRUM Element Manager Tools Guide
Cabletron SystemsÕ SPECTRUM Element Manager Remote Administration Tools
UserÕs Guide
Cabletron SystemsÕ SPECTRUM Element Manager Remote Monitoring (RMON)
UserÕs Guide
Cabletron SystemsÕ Network Troubleshooting Guide
Microsoft CorporationÕs Microsoft Windows UserÕs Guide
In places where information applies to both the CSX200 and CSX400 devices, this
manual may make reference to the ÒCSX200/400,Ó or simply the ÒCSX.Ó