66 Authorized Send Installation and Configuration Guide for imageRUNNER Machines
Use Public Select [Yes] to configure the SMTP public credentials
Credentials: (Public User Name, Public Password). If [Yes] is selected, enter
the user’s SMTP public name and password for SMTP
authentication. If [No] is selected, the user’s normal login
credentials are used.
SMTP Public If [Yes] is selected for Use Public Credentials, you must enter
Username: the user name for SMTP authentication.
SMTP Public If [Yes] is selected for Use Public Credentials, you must enter
Password: the password for SMTP authentication.
3. Click [Save].
If you make a mistake while configuring the settings, click [Reset] to return the
settings to their original values.
A message is displayed informing you that the configuration has been saved.
• Click the [Test] check box if you want to test the validity of the IP address you
entered before saving.
• If validation fails, an error message will be displayed. Enter the correct
information ➞ click [Save].
The [Test] check box is selected by default. If you do not want to test the validity
of the address you entered, click the check box to clear the check mark.