Authorized Send Installation and Configuration Guide for imageRUNNER Machines 89
Scan to Home Directory Settings
Retrieve Home Select this check box to obtain the currently logged on
Directory user’s home directory information from the address
(Active book server with the LDAP attribute of “Home
Directory only): Directory.” This will create a Home Directory element
in the Preselected Share drop-down list on the Scan to
Folder Preset Shares configuration screen.
If this check box is selected, and the [Retrieve Home
Directory (Active Directory only] check box on the
Create Authentication Server screen is also selected, the
authentication server is checked first for the Home
Directory. If no Home Directory is found on the
authentication server, then the address book server is
• Click the [Test] check box if you want to test the validity of the IP
addresses you entered before saving.
• If validation fails, an error message will be displayed. Enter the correct
information ➞ click [Save].
The [Test] check box is selected by default. If you do not want to test the
validity of the addresses you entered, click the check box to clear the
check mark.
4. Click [Create].
If you make a mistake while configuring the address book server settings, click
[Reset] to return the settings to their original values.
To cancel creating the address book server and return to the Address Book
Servers screen, click [Cancel].
The address book server is created and added to the address book servers list on
the Address Book Servers screen.