Canon 08011-41-UD2-003 All in One Printer User Manual

70 Authorized Send Installation and Configuration Guide for imageRUNNER Machines
LDAP Match Enter the LDAP Match Attribute to be used for
Attribute: e-mail address retrieval. If the [Retrieve Home
Directory (Active Directory only] check box is
selected under <Scan to Home Directory
Settings>, the value entered here is also used for
Home Directory retrieval.
An example for Active Directory is
‘sAMAccountName’ or ‘userPrincipalName’.
LDAP Email Enter the e-mail LDAP attribute to pull the
Attribute: user’s e-mail address.
An example for Active Directory is ‘mail’.
Maximum Select [10], [25], [50], [75], or [100] from the
Search Results: drop-down list for the maximum number of
search results that you want displayed on the
ADDRESS BOOK screen of the machine. The
default setting is ‘25’.