4-6 Diagnostic Tools
POST Messages
Message Beeps* Probable Cause Recommended Action
1793-Secondary Controller
or Disk Failure
None An error has been detected
with the CD-ROM interface.
Run Computer Setup.
A Critical Error Occurred
Before this Power-Up.
None Critical failure (POST) recorded
into the wellness log.
Fixed Disk Parameter Table
or BIOS Error System Halted
3L Configuration or hardware
Run Computer Setup.
XX000Y ZZ Parity Check 2 None Parity RAM failure Run Computer Setup.
Audible (beep) None Power-on successful None
Invalid Electronic
Serial Number
None Electronic serial number has
become corrupted.
Run Computer Setup.
Audible 2S Power-on successful None
(RESUME = F1 KEY) None As indicated to continue Press F1.
* L = Long, S = Short