Appendix D: MIBs and SNMP Traps 242
38 Remote virtual
media session
started. User:
%s. Server: %s.
SIP: %s.
Informational A remote Virtual Media session to a server has
started. A video session to the server must
have been established by the same user prior
to starting the VM session.
The name of the user who connected to the
VM session is contained in
The name of the server the user connected to
is contained in dsTrapObjectServerName.
The ID of the SIP the video session is using is
contained in dsTrapObjectSipId.
39 Remote virtual
media session
stopped. User:
%s. Server: %s.
Informational A remote virtual media session to a server has
The name of the user who was connected to
the VM session is contained in
The name of the server the user was
connected to is contained in
40 Remote video
issued by user:
%s. Terminated
user: %s. Server:
Informational A remote virtual media session has been
terminated or preempted by another user.
The name of the user who terminated or
preempted the VM session is contained in
dsTrapObjectUserName if available. An
empty string is reported if a user name is not
available. A user name will not be available if
the remote session was terminated or
preempted from the OSCAR interface and
OSCAR authentication is disabled.
The name of the user who was terminated or
preempted from the VM session is contained
in dsTrapObjectTargetUserName.
The name of the server the user was
connected to contained in
Trap Message Severity Description