To filter routes using prefix lists, use the following commands.
1. Create a prefix list and assign it a name.
ip prefix-list prefix-name
2. Create multiple prefix list filters with a deny or permit action.
seq sequence-number {deny | permit} {any | ip-prefix [ge | le] }
• ge: minimum prefix length to be matched.
• le: maximum prefix length to me matched.
For information about configuring prefix lists, refer to Access Control Lists (ACLs).
3. Return to CONFIGURATION mode.
4. Enter ROUTER BGP mode.
router bgp as-number
5. Filter routes based on the criteria in the configured prefix list.
neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} distribute-list prefix-list-name {in
| out}
Configure the following parameters:
• ip-address or peer-group-name: enter the neighbor’s IP address or the peer group’s name.
• prefix-list-name: enter the name of a configured prefix list.
• in: apply the prefix list to inbound routes.
• out: apply the prefix list to outbound routes.
As a reminder, the following are rules concerning prefix lists:
• If the prefix list contains no filters, all routes are permitted.
• If none of the routes match any of the filters in the prefix list, the route is denied. This action is called
an implicit deny. (If you want to forward all routes that do not match the prefix list criteria, you must
configure a prefix list filter to permit all routes. For example, you could have the following filter as the
last filter in your prefix list permit le 32).
• After a route matches a filter, the filter’s action is applied. No additional filters are applied to the route.
To view the BGP configuration, use the show config command in ROUTER BGP mode. To view a prefix
list configuration, use the show ip prefix-list detail or show ip prefix-list summary
commands in EXEC Privilege mode.
Border Gateway Protocol IPv4 (BGPv4)