Sample Configurations
The following example configurations show how to enable BGP and set up some peer groups. These
examples are not comprehensive directions. They are intended to give you some guidance with typical
To support your own IP addresses, interfaces, names, and so on, you can copy and paste from these
examples to your CLI. Be sure that you make the necessary changes.
The following illustration shows the configurations described on the following examples. These
configurations show how to create BGP areas using physical and virtual links. They include setting up the
interfaces and peers groups with each other.
Figure 24. Sample Configurations
Example of Enabling BGP (Router 1)
R1# conf
R1(conf)#int loop 0
R1(conf-if-lo-0)#ip address
R1(conf-if-lo-0)#no shutdown
R1(conf-if-lo-0)#show config
interface Loopback 0
Border Gateway Protocol IPv4 (BGPv4)