Configure eVLT on Peer 3.
Domain_2_Peer3(conf)#interface port-channel 100
Domain_2_Peer3(conf-if-po-100)# switchport
Domain_2_Peer3(conf-if-po-100)# vlt-peer-lag port-channel 100
Domain_2_Peer3(conf-if-po-100)# no shutdown
Add links to the eVLT port-channel on Peer 3.
Domain_2_Peer3(conf)#interface range tengigabitethernet 1/19 - 20/1
Domain_2_Peer3(conf-if-range-te-1/19-20/1)# port-channel-protocol LACP
Domain_2_Peer3(conf-if-range-te-1/19-20/1)# port-channel 100 mode active
Domain_2_Peer3(conf-if-range-te-1/19-20/1)# no shutdown
Next, configure the VLT domain and VLTi on Peer 4.
Domain_2_Peer4(conf)#interface port-channel 1
Domain_2_Peer4(conf-if-po-1)# channel-member TenGigabitEthernet 1/8-9/1
Domain_1_Peer4#no shutdown
Domain_2_Peer4(conf)#vlt domain 200
Domain_2_Peer4(conf-vlt-domain)# peer-link port-channel 1
Domain_2_Peer4(conf-vlt-domain)# back-up destination
Domain_2_Peer4(conf-vlt-domain)# system-mac mac-address 00:0b:00:0b:00:0b
Domain_2_Peer4(conf-vlt-domain)# unit-id 1
Configure eVLT on Peer 4.
Domain_2_Peer4(conf)#interface port-channel 100
Domain_2_Peer4(conf-if-po-100)# switchport
Domain_2_Peer4(conf-if-po-100)# vlt-peer-lag port-channel 100
Domain_2_Peer4(conf-if-po-100)# no shutdown
Add links to the eVLT port-channel on Peer 4.
Domain_2_Peer4(conf)#interface range tengigabitethernet 1/31 - 32/1
Domain_2_Peer4(conf-if-range-te-1/31-32/1)# port-channel-protocol LACP
Domain_2_Peer4(conf-if-range-te-1/31-32/1)# port-channel 100 mode active
Domain_2_Peer4(conf-if-range-te-1/31-32/1)# no shutdown
PIM-Sparse Mode Configuration Example
The following sample configuration shows how to configure the PIM Sparse mode designated router
functionality on the VLT domain with two VLT port-channels that are members of VLAN 4001.
For more information, refer to PIM-Sparse Mode Support on VLT.
Examples of Configuring PIM-Sparse Mode
The following example shows how to enable PIM multicast routing on the VLT node globally.
VLT_Peer1(conf)#ip multicast-routing
Virtual Link Trunking (VLT)