---------- -------- ---- ------- -------- - ------- -------------
Po 1 128.2 128 200000 DIS 0 0 0001.e88a.dff8 128.2
Po 3 128.4 128 200000 DIS 0 0 0001.e88a.dff8 128.4
Po 4 128.5 128 200000 DIS 0 0 0001.e88a.dff8 128.5
Po 100 128.101 128 800 FWD(VLTi)0 0 0001.e88a.dff8 128.101
Po 110 128.111 128 00 FWD(vlt) 0 0 0001.e88a.dff8 128.111
Po 111 128.112 128 200000 DIS(vlt) 0 0 0001.e88a.dff8 128.112
Po 120 128.121 128 2000 FWD(vlt) 0 0 0001.e88a.dff8 128.121
Additional VLT Sample Configurations
To configure VLT, configure a backup link and interconnect trunk, create a VLT domain, configure a
backup link and interconnect trunk, and connect the peer switches in a VLT domain to an attached
access device (switch or server).
Review the following examples of VLT configurations.
Configuring Virtual Link Trunking (VLT Peer 1)
Enable VLT and create a VLT domain with a backup-link and interconnect trunk (VLTi).
Dell_VLTpeer1(conf)#vlt domain 999
Dell_VLTpeer1(conf-vlt-domain)#peer-link port-channel 100
Dell_VLTpeer1(conf-vlt-domain)#back-up destination
Configure the backup link.
Dell_VLTpeer1(conf)#interface ManagementEthernet 1/1
Dell_VLTpeer1(conf-if-ma-1/1)#ip address
Dell_VLTpeer1(conf-if-ma-1/1)#no shutdown
Configure the VLT interconnect (VLTi).
Dell_VLTpeer1(conf)#interface port-channel 100
Dell_VLTpeer1(conf-if-po-100)#no ip address
channel-member fortyGigE 1/5,6
Dell_VLTpeer1(conf-if-po-100)#no shutdown
Configure the port channel to an attached device.
Dell_VLTpeer1(conf)#interface port-channel 110
Dell_VLTpeer1(conf-if-po-110)#no ip address
Dell_VLTpeer1(conf-if-po-110)#channel-member fortyGigE 1/8
Dell_VLTpeer1(conf-if-po-110)#no shutdown
Dell_VLTpeer1(conf-if-po-110)#vlt-peer-lag port-channel 110
Verify that the port channels used in the VLT domain are assigned to the same VLAN.
Dell_VLTpeer1# show vlan id 10
Codes: * - Default VLAN, G - GVRP VLANs, P - Primary, C - Community, I -
Virtual Link Trunking (VLT)