Chapter 2 Command Return Values and Messages | PCI-DMC-A01 / PCI-DMC-B01
2-2 Revised March, 2012
Error Return
Error Code Error Description
21 ERR_SpeedLimitError Defined velocity exceeds maximum velocity
22 ERR_Security_Page Security page must be smaller than 16
23 ERR_Slave_Security_op Security slave_operate command failed
24 ERR_channel_no channel no error
25 ERR_start_ring_first
“_DMC_01_pci_initial” AP function must be
launched first
26 ERR_NodeIDError NodeID does not exist
27 ERR_MailBoxErr DSP busy, unable to send command
28 ERR_SdoData SDO data sent, but no response received
29 ERR_IOCTL Operating system unable to process this IRP
30 ERR_SdoSvonFirst Servo On required to use SDO axis control
31 ERR_SlotIDError No such Slot ID for Slave module (GA or RM)
32 ERR_PDO_First PDO protocol mode required to use PDO protocol
33 ERR_Protocal_build Protocol, not built
34 ERR_Maching_TimeOut Module matching time-out
35 ERR_Maching_NG Module matching failed
40 ERR_Master_Security_Wr Security Master Write command failed
41 ERR_Master_Security_Rd Security Master Read command failed
42 ERR_Master_Security_Pw Correct password required
50 ERR_NonSupport_CardVer
Master Card version error. Please contact
distributor to purchase the correct Master Card
51 ERR_Compare_Source Ver Type: B Compare Source selection error
52 ERR_Compare_Direction
Compare direction error; dir must be set to 1 or 0
(1:ccw, 0:cw)
112 ERR_RangeError Axis number error
114 ERR_MotionBusy Motion command overlap
116 ERR_SpeedError Maximum velocity set to 0
ERR_AccTimeError Acceleration/deceleration time greater than 1000
124 ERR_PitchZero Screw displacement parameter “pitch” set to 0
127 ERR_BufferFull Motion command buffer is full
128 ERR_PathError Motion command error
130 ERR_NoSupportMode Velocity change not supported
ERR_FeedHold_support Feedhold Stop enabled. Unable to receive new