6 - 12
NGA 2000
90003749(1) [NGA-e (Software CLD 2.3/MLT 3.1.X)] 04/98
Main Menu — Technical level configuration
System set up
Module binding
In the menu "Module Binding" you can bind with the analyzer modules the following types
of micro processor controlled I/O modules connected to the platform:
1) I/O module with three alarms
2) Autocal I/O
3) Syscal I/O
You can unbind all existing bindings between the analyzer module and the I/O modules if
you press the F4 key (UNBIND) or if you press the ENTER key or the →→ -key in the line
"Unbind everything!".
Module binding:
1) Select the channel you want:
♦ Change to the "Main Menu" with the F1 key (HOME).
♦ With the F3 key (NEXT) in the "Main Menu" you can select the analyzer module you
want to bind with an I/O module:
The channel selected will appear in the tag (left above in the headline of the display).
♦ Go back to the menu "Module Binding" via the menus "Technical level configuration"
and "System set up":
The tag of the analyzer module selected will appear in the line "Analyzer module
2) Select the I/O module you want:
♦ Press the ENTER key or the →→ -key in the line "Select modules..." to change to the
submenu "Select I/O modules":
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
95.0 ppm
Module Binding
Select modules...
Proposed bind: NONE
View bindings...
Bind selections!
Unbind everything!
Analyzer module selected: CLD
6.1.4 System set up
Module Binding