90003749(1) [NGA-e (Software CLD 2.3/MLT 3.1.X)] 04/98
NGA 2000
5 - 19
1) Select the range to be linearized:
• Press the ENTER key or the →→ -key in the line "Range to be linearized" to select the
• Select the range you want with the ↑↑ -key or the ↓↓ -key and confirm it with ENTER.
2) Zeroing and Spanning of the range selected:
• e.g.: Change to the "Main Menu" with the F1 key. Change after that via the line "Basic
controls..." to the corresponding menu. Press the F3 key(ZERO) resp. the F4 key
(SPAN) to start the calibration (Look at the descriptions in the chapters 4.2.1 p. 4-21
and 4.2.2 p. 4-26).
• Alternative: Change to the menu "Zero/span calibration" of the "Expert controls" to
start the calibration (see 5.1.1 p. 5-5).
3) Determine the display of gas concentration:
• Press the ENTER key or the →→ -key in the line "Gas values shown as" to select the
• Select the concentration setup you want with the ↑↑ -key or the ↓↓ -key and confirm it
with the ENTER key:
• "ppm" for absolute concentrations
• "Percent of span gas" for relative concentrations, i.e. the gas value will be displayed
as percentage of the span gas. This will be necessary, if you will use diluted span gas.
4) How to get the x,y-values to determine the polynomial curve:
• Press the ENTER key or the →→ -key in the line "Gas concentrations...“ to change to
the corresponding submenu:
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
95.0 ppm
Polynomial set up
Range to be linearized: 3
Calculated polynomial order: 4
Gas values shown as: ppm
Gas concentrations...
Analyzer function: READY
Current span gas: 100.0 ppm