5 - 2
NGA 2000
90003749(1) [NGA-e (Software CLD 2.3/MLT 3.1.X)] 04/98
Structure of chapter five:
At the begin of any chapter you will find the way to a certain submenu of the MLT software
starting from the line "Expert controls and set up" in the "Main Menu". The way will be
described with the software catchwords that you have to enter one after another to reach
the corresponding submenu. At the end of the catchword listing you will find the illustration
of the LCD screen. After that you can read the set up instructions and explanations.
Sometimes the illustration will be completed by sketches or further menu pictures.
Example: You want to set up the zero/span gas concentrations for all ranges of the
analyzer module.
Main Menu — Expert controls and set up
Analyzer module set up
Calibration gas list
In the menu "Calibration Gas List" you can set up the desired zero and span gas values
for all ranges. On the first menu page you will find the parameters of range 1 and 2, on the
second page you will find the parameters of range 3 and 4. You can reach the second
menu page with the F3 key (MORE)...
Further explanations and instructions to set up the parameters will follow!
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
95.0 ppm
Calibration Gas List
Zero gas - range 1: 0.00 ppm
NOx Span gas - range 1: 2.00 ppm
Zero gas - range 2: 0.00 ppm
NO Span gas - range 2: 25.00 ppm
NOx Span gas - range 2: 25.00 ppm
NO Span gas - range 1: 2.00 ppm