ESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
Persona C10/M10 ID Card Printer Service Manual (Rev. 4.0)
Reviewing the Glossary of Terms (continued)
Term Definition
Resolution The number of individual pixels in a graphic, taken over a given
length, used to indicate the sharpness of the picture and the level
of detail. The number of elements in the printhead determines
Fargo Printer resolution.
RFI (Radio
Electromagnetic waves radiated by poorly shielded cables or
electronic devices that interferes with the operation or data
transfer of another device.
RFID (Radio
Indicates a way of transmitting information via radio frequency.
Data is sent from an RFID transceiver to an RFID tag that is
embedded in a Resin Ribbon.
The three primary colors of the luminance, or additive, model.
Combinations of these three colors can produce practically all the
colors of the spectrum that humans can detect. Computer
monitors operate on an RGB model.
Ribbon The dye impregnated film that is used for color printing.
Ribbon cable Parallel wires held flat in a row by plastic insulation.
RibbonTraq A Fargo Electronics method of placing bar code-like marks on the
transition area between color panels. These marks are arranged
for detection by a reflective Sensor array for the identification of
ribbon type and the ribbon position.
RMA number (Return
A number, acquired from Fargo Support, which authorizes the
return of merchandise for repair or credit.
Roller Elements of the Printer used for the transport of media consisting
of a rotating steel shaft (for ribbon) or a rotating steel shaft with a
rubber cylinder installed at the shaft midpoint (for moving cards).
Continued on the next page