The pop-up menu named “General” gives you other options for printing.
Use the Copies option to specify the number of copies of the document to print, from 1 to
999. The default is 1 copy. To change the number of copies, click in the box and type the
number of copies you want to print.
The Pages option default is All, which prints all the pages in the document, from first to
last. From and To allow you to specify a range of pages to print. Click the button labeled
From and type the page numbers of the range you want to print into the boxes (for ex-
ample, From 9 and To 11 prints pages 9, 10 and 11).
Paper Source
The Paper Source pull-down menu lets you choose which paper trays supply paper to the
printer. For instance, you may want to print a business letter where the first page is on
letterhead and the remainder is on continuation sheets.
If you click on the All button, all pages will be fed from the source you select in the upper
pop-up menu. When the All button is selected, the lower pop-up menu is dimmed. If you
click on the First from button, this lets you choose which paper source is used for the first
page of your document. When First from is selected, you can choose another paper source
from the lower pop-up menu for the remaining pages.
If you choose Auto Select, paper is drawn from the tray (in the case of multiple trays)
that contains the paper size selected in the Paper option of the Page Setup dialog box.
If no optional trays are installed, Auto Select has no effect and paper will be drawn
from the internal tray.