126 Hardware Maintenance Manual: xSeries 250
Physical drive state descriptions
The following table provides descriptions of the valid physical drive states.
Logical drive state descriptions
The following table provides descriptions of the valid logical drive states.
Drive State Meaning
Defunct A physical drive in the Online, Hot-Spare, or Rebuild state has become defunct. It does not
respond to commands, which means that the ServeRAID controller cannot communicate
properly with the drive.
If a physical drive has become defunct, refer to “Rebuilding a defunct drive” on page 23.
Hot Spare A Hot-Spare drive is a physical drive that is defined for automatic use when a similar drive
Online The drive is Online. It is functioning properly and is part of an array.
Rebuilding The drive is being rebuilt.
For more information on rebuilding a drive, refer to “Rebuilding a defunct drive” on page
Ready The ServeRAID controller recognizes a Ready drive as being available for definition.
Standby Hot Spare A Standby Hot Spare is a Hot-Spare drive that the ServeRAID controller has spun down. If
an Online drive becomes Defunct and no suitable Hot-Spare drive is available, a Standby
Hot-Spare drive of the appropriate size automatically spins up, and enters the Rebuild state.
Drive State Meaning
Blocked During a rebuild operation, the ServeRAID controller sets the state of any RAID level-0 logical
drives associated with a failed array to the Blocked state; then, it reconstructs the data that was
stored in RAID level-1, RAID level-1E, Raid level-5 and RAID level-5E logical drives.
After the Rebuild operation completes, you can unblock the RAID level-0 logical drives, and
access them once again. However, the logical drive might contain damaged data. You must
either re-create, reinstall, or restore the data from the most recent backup disk or tape to the
RAID level-0 logical drive.
Critical Migrating A logical drive in the critical state that is undergoing a logical drive migration (LDM).
Critical System The ServeRAID controller uses this reserved state during a logical drive migration (LDM)
when the logical drive is in the critical state.
Critical A RAID level-1, RAID level-1E, RAID level-5, or RAID level-5E logical drive that contains a
defunct physical drive is in the critical state. A critical logical drive is accessible, despite a
physical drive failure.
If the state of the logical drive is critical, refer to “Rebuilding a defunct drive” on page 23.
Migrating The logical drive is undergoing a logical drive migration; that is, a change in RAID levels, a
change in logical drive size, an increase in free space, or a RAID level-5E compression or