Kodak SRP 30 Printer User Manual

You can use the Settings / Machine settings / Printer menu to set up how often the
automatic PBL should be repeated if the values are out of tolerance. The number of
retries can be from 1 to 10. See Printer Settings in Chapter 4.
PBL Test with Laser Point
The laser point is used to set the exposure levels required to produce the desired
D-max value of the paper being tested.
NOTE: You can press [Alt] + [F1] to set the D-max for a paper. The PapersData
dialog box appears.
1. Select the desired paper from the drop-down list and adjust the “Max. Density”
and “Color Balance” as needed. Click Save, and then Close.
The values shown above are for KODAK PROFESSIONAL Digital III Color
Paper. Different values will be required for new paper types as they are
2. Enable the box with Laser point.
Upon first calibration of a paper, the PBL is automatically printed with laser point
if the cassette code indicates that a paper is used for the first time.