Operator’s Guide
Scanner Calibration PIKO
The scanner pixel correction (PIKO) process:
• Calibrates the light path of the lamp up to the CCD
• Balances the pixel sensitivity of the CCD for each pixel
• Defines the illumination strength (if the lamp is replaced, for example – this
influences the lamp, filter, mirror box, and film mask)
• Defines the crop to be used for the film mask (illumination on the CCD chip)
The system automatically performs a PIKO:
• During system startup (because any film mask could be inserted when the system
is started)
• Whenever you change the film mask
• Whenever there are considerable fluctuations in light and temperature (light path or
IMPORTANT: Do not change the film mask during a PIKO. This interrupts the crop
definition process, resulting in incorrectly exposed prints (brightness,
colors) and possible prints with white borders.
After a successful PIKO, the status line shows the message Terminate Scanner
You can also start PIKO manually. Normally, this is only required if you receive a
message that the automatic PIKO was not terminated successfully. Otherwise, the
prints may get white borders.
5-10 KODAK PROFESSIONAL SRP 30 Laser Printer