
3: Operations
Displaying the status of the Environmental Monitor:
The Envmon command displays the status of the integrated Environmental Monitor.
By default, only administrative user accounts are allowed access to the Envmon
command. An administrator may user the Set User Envmon command to enable
and disable access for other user accounts.
To display the status of the Environmental Monitor:
At the SLP: prompt, type envmon and press Enter.
The following command displays the status of the Environmental Monitor.
SLP: envmon<Enter>
Environmental Monitor .A
Name: Florida_HQ_1 Status: Normal
Temperature/Humidity Sensors
ID Name Temperature Humidity
.A1 Temp_Humid_Sensor_A1 Not Found Not Found
.A2 T/H2_Florida_HQ_1 23.5 Deg. C 22 % RH
Changing a password
The Password command changes the current user’s password. For security, when
you type a password the characters are not displayed on the screen. See Usernames
and Passwords for more information.
To change a password:
1. At the SLP prompt, type password and press Enter.
2. At the Enter Current Password prompt type the current password and press
3. At the Enter New Password prompt type the new password and press Enter.
Passwords may contain 1-16 characters.
4. At the Verify Password prompt retype the new password and press Enter.
Starting a new session
The Login command activates the Username prompt. The current session ends,
allowing a user to log in and start a new session under a different username.
To start a new session:
2. At the command prompt, type login and press Enter. The Username prompt
Ending a session
The Quit or Logout commands end a session. A session ends automatically when no
activity is detected for five minutes, or upon loss of connection.
To end a session:
1. At the command prompt, type quit and press Enter, or
2. Type logout and press Enter.
SecureLinx SLP Remote Power Manager 41