MGE UPS Systems 225KVA Power Supply User Manual

Installation and User Manual
4.14 Consulting Statistics
total backup time (h): This is the total time of operation on battery power since initial startup of the UPS. It
is expressed in hours.
total time on static This is the total time of operation on the static switch since initial startup of the UPS.
switch (h): It is expressed in hours.
total time on UPS (d): This is the total time that the load has been supplied by the UPS since initial startup.
It is expressed in days.
total time with This is the total time of operation with the battery temperature greater than 25°C
Tbatt > 25°C (h): since initial startup of the UPS. It is expressed in hours.
last reset: This is the date that the information was last set to zero by the Teleservice function.
elapsed backup This is the total time of operation on battery power since the last reset. It is expressed
time (min): in minutes.
total backup time (h): 0
total time on static switch (h): 0
total time on UPS (d): 3627
total time with Tbatt >25°C (h): 1
last reset: 05/09/1997
elapsed backup time (min): 0
Operation 4 — 1986-133060-00 A00