The previous figure shows only the top of the Internet Setup page.
8. Configure a VLAN for the virtual IPTV interface:
a. Make sure that the Enable This Interface check box is selected for the virtual IPTV interface.
If you already enabled and configured the virtual IPTV interface, the check box is selected.
b. Select the Use VLANID check box.
c. Enter a VLAN ID that applies to the virtual IPTV interface.
The VLAN ID can be in a range from 0 to 4094. The default VLAN ID is 0.
d. To specify a priority for the VLAN, in the Priority (0 ~ 7) field, enter a value from 0 to 7.
e. Click the Apply button.
Your settings are saved for the virtual IPTV interface.
For information about enabling bridge mode for the IPTV virtual interface, see Enable
Bridge Mode for IPTV Devices on page 215.
Manage the WAN and LAN Network Settings
Nighthawk AC1900 WiFi VDSL/ADSL Modem Router Model D7000