Dial Out Locations Window 122
Access Server Administrators’ Reference Guide 8 • Dial Out
• analog-v34(4)
• analog-v32(5)
• analog-v22bis(6)
• analog-v22(7)
• analog-v21(8)
Guard Tone (modemGuardTone)
Normally a guard tone is not required, but one can be inserted. This setting works for Phase Shift Key (PSK)
modulations only, not for v.32, v.34, or v.90.
• toneNone(1)—guard tone not used
• tone1800(3)—guard tone is inserted
Carrier Loss Duration (modemCarrierLossDuration)
The number of seconds the carrier signal must be missing before the connection is considered lost.
Enable the modem to monitor line quality and request a fallback or retrain for poor quality and a fall forward
for good quality.
• none(0)—do not allow modem to retrain, fall forward, or fall back.
• ratrain(1)—all modem to retrain or fallback if the line quality is poor, or fall forward to a faster speed if the
line quality is good.
• fallForwardFallBack(2)—allow the modem to fallback to a slower speed if the line quality is poor, or fall for-
ward to a faster speed if the line quality is good.
Transmit Level (modemTxLevel)—not in use
Protocol (modemProtocol)
Assigns the error correction protocol for use with the modem. The following options are available:
• direct(0)—no error correction will be used
• requestV42(1)—enables v.42 error correction. If this is selected, the modem will either negotiate for v.42
error correction or—if v.42 correction is not available will not use any error correction.
• requireV42(2)—V.42 error correction is mandatory, otherwise disconnect.
Compression (modemCompression)
Assigns the data compression protocol to use with the modem. This setting is in effect only when v.42 error
correction is active.
• direct(0)—no compression will be used.
• requestV42bis(1)—enable v.42bis data compression. If this is selected, the modem will negotiate for
v.42bis, and if it is not available, will use no compression.