Static User Authentication 136
Access Server Administrators’ Reference Guide 9 • Callback
Static User Authentication
In the Modify Static User window are two extra settings for callback. The callback type and callback number
can be set on a user basis.
Figure 55. Static user configuration showing callback configuration
Callback Configuration (suCallbackConfig)
This is the type of callback allowed for this user. The following options are available:
• noCallback(0)—no callback allowed for this user (default).
• setByCaller(1)—callback and phone number assigned by the user.
• alwaysCallbackTo(2)—always call back to the phone number specified by suCallbackNumber—callback
number needs to be specified.
• callbackToCallingNum(3)—call back to the calling phone number. This is only available with ISDN
Callback phone number (suCallbackNumber)
When the callback type is set to alwaysCallbackTo, this is the phone number that the RAS will call after call-
back is negotiated. This entry has a limit of 80 characters.
RADIUS Configuration
If using a radius server for authentication and global callback is enabled and set to setByAuth, the user profile in
radius will determine callback. If the service-type attribute is not Callback Framed, no callback will be allowed.
If the service-type attribute is set to Callback Framed with no phone number, the user will be allowed to assign
the callback number. If the service-type attribute is set to Callback Framed and the Callback-Number attribute
has a valid telephone number, the user will be called back at that number.